
Boss: Manglemore

Key Mechanics

Manglemore’s Mechanics

Tricks - The trick to fighting Manglemore is figuring out when he is lying. As the NPCs around the dungeon suggest, the key lies in paying careful attention to the buffs Manglemore gets.

  • Keep an eye out for these buffs. These buffs can be in any combination, such as 6-9 or 3-6-9. These buffs also give Manglemore a 5% endurance buff each.
    • Manglemore will start getting these buffs from 90% HP and on after saying :

Might as well be honest… I’m lying from now on!”

Once you notice these buffs, you will want to keep a close eye on the Manglemore’s Change of Heart bar.

  • This Change of Heart gauge bar will increase from 0 to 100 by 1 point per second.

Let’s see you dodge this! - Once the Change of Heart bar reaches 100, Manglemore will run towards the center of the room and circles will spawn around the boss. However, only 5 of the circles will have a star symbol inside, while the other 4 circles will be blue and turn anyone inside into a Snowman.

  • Each person much stand on a separate star circle (cannot stack) for the party to succeed this mechanics.
    • Once this mechanic finishes, the Change of Heart bar goes back down to 0.

  1. SUCCESS Manglemore will say “You think you got skills? Let’s see how you do without the number (3, 6, or 9)!”
    If all 5 members succeed in standing in a star circle, one of Manglemore’s buff will be removed (the order the buff gets removed is: 3, 6, and then 9).
  • Each time you succeed at this mechanic, one buff will be removed. For every success, the party receives a power buff (stackable) and the boss loses any buffs it may have received from failing earlier.
  1. FAIL Manglemore will say “You didn’t see that coming?! How disappointing!”
    If not all 5 members are standing in a star circle, your party will fail and anyone not inside a star circle will be turned into a Snowman.
  • Manglemore will receive all his number buffs again, as well as gain a power and attack speed buff.

Snowman debuff - The Snowman debuff turns the player into a snowman with an AoE circle around them.

  • The debuff causes heavy bleeding. The Snowman debuff is contagious and will spread to other players if close enough.

Special attacks

Before every Special Attack Patterns, he will always say “Arghhh! You forced me to do this!”

I will kill you all!
  • TRUTH : Stay outside the AoE circle to live.
  • LIE : Stay inside the AoE circle to live.
My shield will save me!
  • TRUTH : Break the shield in time. Failing to break will reduce the party’s HP to 1, leash everyone and do a jump attack. The party will also receive a 7 second debuff preventing any sort of HP recovery.
  • LIE : An AoE puddle will be placed below every player (lasts ~1 minute), so the party should move to the edge of the room to place the puddles. Getting hit by this puddle will inflict a bleed debuff (cleansable).
One of you must die!
  • TRUTH : Stay outside the AoE circle that forms around one person to live. Use a movement or iframe skill to prevent getting hit by the circle. Targetted will die if the circle is not iframed.
  • LIE : Stay inside the AoE circle the forms around one person in order to live.
No! I don’t care anymore!
  • In the middle of any of the above attacks, Manglemire may call the attack off randomly.
Ha! One of you is a Traitor!

[Triggers below 60% HP, every 2 minutes]

  • The party will have a bomb shown above their head, and one person will get a balloon above their head and be stunned for the entire duration of this mechanic.
  • One person will be the Carrier for a real bomb. The party (minus the Balloon Holder) must attack the boss in order for the fake bombs to disappear. The Bomb Carrier needs to stay far away from the Balloon Holder and the rest of the party.

The party (except the Bomb Carrier) need to take the circle with the Balloon Holder (similar to a Kalivan’s Dreadnaught mechanic) to help absorb the flat 250,000 damage.

  • The more (non-invincible) bodies inside the circle, the less damage will be taken per person.
    • Anyone hit by the Balloon circle will be inflicted with a Bleed debuff, so healers should be prepared to cleanse.

If the Balloon Holder is a Carrier

  • Do NOT be inside or near the Circle AoE under Balloon Holder.

If someone else is the Carrier

  • Everyone EXCEPT the Carrier must be inside the Circle AoE under Balloon Holder to share damage or else the Balloon Holder will take 250,000 flat damage.
  • The Carrier must be away from the party.
