Broken Prison

Pre-Boss Battle

The first room has 6 Archdevan mobs.
They’re are just as same as Archdevan mobs you’ve encountered in Shadow Sanguinary and Lilith’s Keep. Defeat them and Balbatos will make his first appearance. After fighting him for 10% of his HP, he will summon Gorgoth and run away.

First Boss: Gorgoth

Basic attacks

Basic Attack (Primary Aggro) – Strikes the person with Aggro twice with its snake arms and delivers a third blow.
This isn’t much of a threat, but if the tank takes hits from this constantly, it becomes a burden for Healers to keep up.

Basic Attack (Secondary Aggro) – Turns to a person with secondary aggro, swings its snake arms twice and delivers a 5-way split lightning path. This can be moderately dangerous as those lightning trails can drain 30~50% of your HP.

Random Target AoE – Targets farthest person.

  • Best strategy is to have healer take this behind tank with some distance to prevent the boss from turning; however, ranged DPS might need to be cautious about their range while healer is doing this to avoid boss from turning around.


“I desire a sacrifice!” 

Initiates with yellow 10m AoE that inflicts stun that can be iframed and blocked. The blender attack can also be iframed and blocked.

  • Healers should be ready to cleanse the stun if necessary. However, be careful as this attack will push you across the room.

Triple Donuts – The boss will flip in its place twice, puts inner, mid and/or outer at random order consecutively 3 or 4 times,cannot be iframed or blocked.

  • Just move out of the way. Ranges of this attack seems to be 0-10m, 11-20m, 21-30m

Special attacks

Destructive Energy – Starting 90% HP, the combat area will be limited similar to Lilith’s Keep. Stepping on this area will inflict a bleed debuff that drains 40k HP per tick.

  • Your party’s performance in Fire and Lightning will determine whether this area will expand or shrink.

Fire & Lightning – Initiates every 1 minute after first time at 90~80% HP.

  • Success shrinks the Destructive Energy, while failure expands it.

  • Read the text that appears in the middle of screen, which indicates the number of members required to stand in the Fire and Lightning AoE that forms under 2 random party members.

      Fire and Lightning…the source of my power!”
      (X) for fire, (Y) for lightning.

  • The number of people hit by the orange AoE must match the X number, the number of people hit by the blue AoE must match the Y number.

Puddles - Red AoE indicator will appear under everyone.

  • Everyone must place these puddles as far away from the Boss possible. Failure to do so will limit your combat zone as these puddles stay for long time.
  • Also, DO NOT immediately run in after placing the puddle as it will follow up with Blender attack. If you get pushed into the puddles or Destructive Energy.

Second Boss: Molek

Key Mechanics

Gauge Management

When the boss HP falls below 95%, Molek’s Joy Gauge will appear:

How the gauge works: This gauge starts with 50, and you must try to maintain it around 50 as much as possible.
You don’t want the boss to be too happy nor too angry, so help him control his mood swing problems.
Above 50, the gauge will slowly increase by 1 every 2 seconds, while below 50, the gauge will slowly decrease by 1 every 2 seconds.

How to adjust the gauge: When this message pops up:

“I will be joyful if you get hit by this!”

Then the boss will do one of three attack patterns: 1. Circle (Inside), 2. Donut (Outside), or 3. Pizza.
Depending on what level your gauge is, your party must either take or avoid this mechanic.

  • Maintaining the gauge between 15~85 during the entire fight will unlock the achievement: “Total Killjoy”

Basic attacks

Spread bomb - Most likely targets farthest target (not always the case). Boss will turn to the target with secondary aggro and throw a barrage of yellow puddles left, right and behind.

  • Avoid this attack by moving (or iframe) TOWARD the boss. Also, even if you are not targeted, be careful of your surroundings as you may accidentally be bombarded by this as well.

    Must be avoided. Iframe towards the boss.

Claw Slam - With the red flash on his eyes, the boss will raise its arms and have a seizure before slamming down which can stun you.

  • If a party member is stunned, it will say “This should keep you quiet!”, face the stunned target and throw down a barrage of slams.

    This attack can STUN. This CANNOT be blocked, but it can be iframed

Claw and Body Slam – The boss will raise its arms BUT he will quickly strike its claws down, try to backflip and fail horribly by landing on its belly.

  • Similar to Claw Slam, if a party member is stunned, it will say “This should keep you quiet!”, face the stunned target and throw down a barrage of slams.

    This attack can STUN.

Barrage of Slams – Triggers when there’s a stunned target. Boss will turn to stunned target and repeatedly smash its front with its claws.
Hurts a lot. get out of it ASAP.

Can oneshot you.

Purple Breath – Randomly targets one person while saying :

“Have a glimpse of despair!” 

and spits purple breath to the target, then follows up with Body Slam.

  • The breath inflicts SILENCE (cannot use skills for 2 seconds), and the body slam inflicts STUN.

Special attacks

There will be a message in the middle of your screen saying:

“I’ll show you the depths of Lakan’s power”

Then there will be either Orange or Blue aura around the boss. Make sure you’re watching this aura’s color when the message pops up. Orange Aura – Breathes fire that spins completely around the boss clockwise once.

  • One strategy is to stand near its left arm and iframe to the right arm, but since the fire spins around quite fast, you can easily iframe it without worrying about timing too much.

  • Tanks can just move toward left arm and move to right arm to avoid it.

    This CANNOT be blocked, but it can be iframed This attack can be fatal.

Blue Aura – 5 Blue circles appear around the boss (6~8m? Away from Boss), equidistant from each other in regular Pentagon shape.

  • Each blue circle can only save 1 person from instant death, so anyone outside of the circle will most likely die. You can see the blue circle being filled up before the boss blasts the entire area.

If the positioning of players are chaotic and some may not reach the blue circle, there are priorities of who should take the circle.

  • Healers > Tanks > (Slayer, Archer, Reaper, Berserker) > (Warrior, Sorcerer, Gunner, Ninja)

This is because Warrior, Sorcerer, Gunner, and Ninja have long iframes and if they time it correctly, they can iframe the attack.

Third Boss: Balbatos

Key Mechanics

TL;DR Pick the Otherworldy Portal color closest to entrance. Place Elemental Gates near the entrance. Kill all gates except the chosen Portal color, and hide behind the chosen gate for the wipe mechanic.

Otherworldly Portals - After dropping his HP below 95%, there will be Big Orange, Blue, and Green Portals spinning around the map counter-clockwise.
After 55% or below, there will be a 4th Big Purple Portal as well.

The Otherworldly Portals are located like this (48 Increments of 7.5°) and move in a counter-clockwise direction.

If Balbatos started “I’ve been too easy on you!” mechanic at this moment, then we look 22~24 seconds ahead. This means that, if you want to safely succeed in doing this mechanic, the placement of Small Elemental Gate you want to hide behind MUST NOT be across (about 165°~180° around the circle) from the Big Otherworldly Portal.

Elemental Gates - As soon as you see those messages:

“I’ve been too easy on you”

“Balbatos summons elemental gates!”

  • 3 random party members will have purple orb above their head and a 6-second debuff.
    After 55%, 4 random party members will have purple orb.
    After 4~5 seconds (as debuff timer goes from 2 to 1 second), there will be an elemental gate placed on them facing the center.
    The color of these Gates are random and there is no way of telling who has which color.

Immediately after this will be a small AoE beneath each individual player, these AoEs can remove the Elemental Gates placed down earlier.

  • Remove all the gates except for the “safe color” gate.
  • Make sure to leave 1 Elemental Gate left or else you will fail the next part of the mechanic.


The boss will go to the center of the room with message

Time to end this!

Everyone MUST hide behind the chosen Elemental Gate that was placed down earlier. The outer portal which spits the AoE out will leave a Poisonous Field on the ground which does 100k ticks of damage, this last the entire fight.

  Cannot be iFramed, Cannot be Blocked. 
  Not even Smoke Bomb, Recall and Warp Barrier will save you.
  Instant Death.

  • Left: Safe behind the Elemental Gate.
  • Right: Big Blue Otherworldly Portal leaves a streak on ground.

120 Degree Cone – Immediately after the wipe mechanic, Balbatos will randomly target a party member and put a large cone AoE, which instantly kills anyone inside that AoE.

  Cannot be iFramed, Cannot be Blocked. 
  • If you clear the dungeon (kill Balbatos) for the first time, you unlock the achievement: “No Prisoners”

Basic attacks

Scythe Slash – The basic among basic attacks. He just either slashes the person with aggro, or turn around and slash.
Scythe Crush – Crushed wherever he is facing with the hilt of its scythe in front of him.
Scythe Slam – Balbatos will slam either the blade pointing downwards or upwards toward the person with aggro and pause for a moment.At that instant, look at the position of its blade:

  • Blade is UP: He will swing his scythe around him, hitting everyone nearby.This attack has PUSH BACK effect.
  • Blade is DOWN: Smashs his behind with his scythe or Uppercuts toward person with aggro, followed by fireballor portals getting summoned around him. If portals are summoned, the fireball will go through them, then behind him through the portal.

Quick Spin - Balbatos’ eyes will flash red very quickly and he will perform a very fast spin directly around him.
Balbatos Combo – He actually has a consecutive combination of his basic attacks.
Fireball – Targets random party member and throws fireball.

Special attacks

Circle or Donut – For this mechanic Balbatos will slam his Scythe into the ground and a indicator will appear.

  • If it’s a circle you need to get out or iframe, if it’s Donut you need to get inside. It give you plenty of time to react to this mechanic (4 seconds).

  • If you want to iframe the circle, you need to watch when he stomps his hoof (right foot).

    This CANNOT be blocked.
    It can be iframed

Warping Breath – Two large pink warp gates will appear in front and behind Balbatos.

  • He will then unleash a purple breath attack toward the warp gate in front of him which is sent to his behind as well, inflicting damage on party members behind him.
