Antaroth Abyss (Hard)
First Boss: Ghergof
Key Mechanics
Ice Puddle - The boss will target one of the players with a growing red circle, once it fills it will put down an Ice patch which will be used to avoid the mechanic below.
- It is important to place this away from the boss, but not far because you’re going to need it for the “Delete This” mechanic.
Delete This - A text message will show up saying :
- The boss will first do a map wide AoE that needs to be iframed, failure to iframe this will result a knock up and the boss targeting that person with the following Fire Breath.
This will happen before you land so you will die. - After the AoE it’ll target two people with a Fire Breath which can be survived by going into the Ice Patch.
Massive In-Out - This one is decided by whether or not the boss is enraged.
- The first part of this mechanic is a map wide AoE that needs to be iframed.
Not enraged: Big AoE, Outer AoE, Inner AoE
Double AoE - In this mechanic he will put a circle under every single party member, the DPS and the healer need to stack behind the boss while the tank moves back a little bit.
- It will then do an AoE with the safe spot being where people are gathered and on the tank.
- Directly afterwards it will do an AoE on the safe spots, so you have to iframe directly as the red circle disappears.
Basic attacks
Shish Kebab - Simple 1-hit attack
Slash - Simple 1-hit attack.
Double Slash - Same like above, but twice
4x Slash - Same like above, but four times
Jump - The boss jumps at the tank, often used when the tank is away from the boss.
Jumping Jack - Boss jumps sideways and back multiple times, actual boss hitbox stays in the middle.
Special attacks
Shield AoE - An AoE attack that also hits behind the boss.
- Getting hit by this attack will knock you back.
Shield Barrage - A barrage of hits on the tank.
- Will push back the tank.
Small AoE - A small AoE being put on one of the members, it can be blocked and iframed.
In-Out or Out-In - On this boss it is decided by whether or not the boss backsteps or not.
- If the boss backsteps it will do an outer AoE followed by an inner AoE.
- If the boss does not backstep it do an inner AoE followed by an outer AoE
- Can be iframed.
Second Boss: Kalioth
Key Mechanics
Debuffs - A text message will show up on the screen saying :
The boss will then gain a Blue or Red colored Aura. Followed an AoE attack that requires someone to get hit by it.
The idea behind this mechanic is that the party has to rotate getting hit by this, getting hit by this gives you a 3 minute lasting debuff that will kill you if you get hit again.
If nobody gets hit the attack the boss will wipe the party, so make sure to have 1 person get hit.
This attack will do either an inner or an outer AoE, this is dependent on the color of the Aura he gets. Look at the picture on the right.
Aura is Blue = Outer AoE
Person taking the debuff should get to the outer circle.
- The people who need to dodge should get close to the boss.
Aura is Red = Inner AoE
Person taking the debuff should get to the inner circle.
- The people who need to dodge should get away from the boss.
Blue - Outer | Red - Inner |
After 50% boss’ HP he will use one additional debuff AOE, and after 20% HP he will start casting them much more faster: at more than double at the speed as before.
Basic attacks
Left, Right, Swipe, (Second Swipe) - He’ll start with his left weapon, then follow it up with a hit from his right weapon. He will then look over one of his shoulders and swipe on that side.
- Below 50%: He will do a Second Swipe after the First one.
Left Shoulder, above 50% | Left Shoulder, below 50% |
Right Shoulder, above 50% | Right Shoulder, below 50% |
Right, Left, Stab, Wave - The boss will start with a Right hit, followed by Left, then Stab the tank and throw a cone-shaped Wave at the tank.
- Getting hit gives a cleansable debuff.
Right, Left, Left, Cross - The boss will start with a Right hit, followed by Left, followed by another Left and then hit the tank with a Cross shaped double attack.
Right, Right, Back, Shockwave - Boss attacks with his Right Weapon twice, turning around and hitting behind him and then using a Wave attack.
Special attacks
Circles into Outer Donut - The boss will put circles on everyone, slightly after they disappear and reappear you need to iframe and get close to the boss because he will follow up by an outer AoE circle.
- This can be avoided if the healer is quick on cleansing.
Stun Blast - The boss will aim both his weapons down and then smash them into the ground to put a big stun AoE around the boss, hitting the tank as well as the DPS directly behind the boss.
- Getting hit by this will stun and the boss will then target you.
- This can be avoided if the healer is quick on cleansing.
Spin - The boss will lower his weapons next to his body and then start spinning, doing his Swordnado attack.
- This can be blocked and iframed
Jump into Wave - The boss will jump at a player, stunning whoever gets hit. Following up with a Wave attack in front of him if someone got stunned.
- This can be avoided if the healer is quick on cleasing.
Player got hit | Player dodged attack |
Random Wave - The boss will put secondary aggro on one of the DPS or the healer and will then attack them with a Wave.
- This puts a cleansable debuff on the people who got hit.
Last Boss: Antaroth
Key Mechanics
Mana Burst - After call of
- Antaroth will unleash uniframable room wide attack.
- This attack deal flat damage per stack of Mana Burst on target.
- It also applies a nasty MP reducing debuff which need to be cleansed fast.
Red Magic - Boss charges up his sword and then does a series of 4 attacks:
1) Thrust – blockable and iframable, survivable, applies Mana Burst
2) Spin – not blockable but iframable, survivable, applies Mana Burst and heavy cleansable bleed
3) Half circle blast – uniframable, lethal damage
4) Series of AOEs – uniframable, hit for 100% of targets HP, can survive with shields
- Version 1: Thrust, clockwise Spin, Half blast on boss’s left, AOEs from in to out
- Version 2: Thrust, counter clockwise Spin, Half blast on boss’ right, AOEs from out to in
- AOEs have unintuitive timing – they deal damage at time they appear, and the lingering animation is harmless.
Expanding Puddles - Antaroth summons 5 expanding puddles, which deal high damage with their edges.
- Iframe towards center of bubbles, or run away. It’s good idea to stand closer to the boss, so no puddle spawns directly on you.
- Not blockable.
No Escape - Antaroth calls out :
Then he casts AOEs on every party member.
Getting hit by these aoes applies long stun debuff to player hit and creates a small breakable cage around them.
These aoes are folowed by several medium damage room-wide attaks, which aren’t iframable ! Tanks can block these attacks and provide 70% damage reduction to nearby party members.
Light and Dark - With call out :
- Boss will teleport to middle of room and start casting room wide wipe attack.
- 5 orbs get summoned on edges of room, 3 Light and 2 Dark and each player will get a debuff: 2 Light and 3 Dark.
Players are able to deal damage to opposite color than they have debuff on. Breaking an orb grants a invicibility buff to one nearby player, use this to survive attack he’s casting.
Destroy the orb anywhen runes start to appear on the spell circle.
The white orb will have a black outlining
Attack of the clones - After calling out :
Players will get applied slow debuff on them, then boss will teleport in middle of the room, and summon 2 clones.
- Right after that all 3 will teleport in sequence to outer circle on the floor, and will either use small Spin, or Blue Ball just throw version at random targets.
- These attacks apply Mana Burst.
Teleports to the door = He will Spin
Cage with Shield - After calling out:
He will cast cage soon after and get a shield. Each player will get one of 3 debuffs: Red, Blue, Yellow.
Players must look at their debuff and take slice of same color to refresh their debuff – else they will die after it expires.
Boss will also get shield up during this cage, you need to deal enough damage to him down to break it, else he will cast 4th slices and wipe the party.
Basic attacks
Two upward slashes - Simple two slashed upwards.
One upward slash - Simple slash upwards.
Two downward slashes - Simple two slashes downwards.
Overhand strike - Simple slash from above.
Special attacks
Jump - Secondary aggro jump, stuns, unleashes punishing spin if target was not cleansed.
- Getting hit by either of these attacks stacks Mana Burst
Front hammer into Back hammer - Boss eyes flash red for a second. It’s unblockable, iframable and getting hit stuns.
- If someone was hit not cleansed of the stun, he unleashes punishing spin.
- Getting hit by either of these attacks stacks Mana Burst
Two up, Two up, Back slam - Same as hammers above, just that it only hits one to the back.
- Getting hit by either of these attacks stacks Mana Burst
Blue ball throw - Boss winds up with a blue ball, and either hits tank with it, launches a beam, or both.
- Antharos only starts using hit + beam and beam only on lower HPs. Watch for the ground when beam is comming.
- Getting hit by either of these attacks stacks Mana Burst
Teleport back - He teleports back and uses either Front hammer into Back hammer, or Spin