Red Refuge (Hard)
First Boss: Kalavese
Tank in the middle of the room to make the run a lot more smooth to deal with a Key Mechanic mentioned later.
Key Mechanics
Spinning In-Out - Cannot be blocked and iframed. A text indicator will show up saying:
The boss stars spinning and will either attack in an inner donut or an outer donut first, followed by the other one.
- The way to tell which attack he will do first you have to look at his spin. He either spins slowly with no indicator or he spins fast with a wind forming around him.
- Slowly and no wind: Go out and then go in
- Fast and wind forming: Go in and then go out
- You need to be at least 9 meters away from the boss when he does the inner circle.
Fire Pits and Debuffs - First it’s important to recognize what the map looks like. In the middle of the map there’s 4 big circles and 4 smaller circles.
- A text indicator will show up saying :
- Followed by 1 or 2 people, excluding the one having aggro, will get a debuff which needs to be removed within 45 seconds.
- Failure to do so will result in an explosion dealing damage to the entire party and giving them a uncleansable bleed.
- This deals 100% of hp to the person exploding and 50% to everyone else.
- While you can survive this with a great healer, it’s not recommended at all.
To remove this debuff you need to get hit by 1 of the 4 Fire Pits.
- This big circle slowly fills until it erupts and clearing the people inside of it of the debuff. The smaller circles don’t have any real purpose except for making it more visible to see which Fire Pit will erupt.
Basic attacks
Frontal Attack - Usual simple pinch smash.
Frontal 7 smash - This attack pushes back the tank, as mentioned before.. It’s ideal to tank the boss in the middle.
- Hard Mode and Enrage: He starts with 2 hits attack before doing the 7 atacks.
Special attacks
Turn and Back attack - Boss turns around to attack the players behind him.
- When the boss turns he’ll attack one additional time by turning and then puking on the DPS, this is not iframable but needs to be moved out range from.
- If someone gets hit by this attack he will then fart on the Tank before turning back which needs to be iFramed.
Jump - Boss jumps in the air and comes dropping down, hitting all around the boss.
- When the boss comes down and he’s Enraged, he’ll do a spin which needs to be moved out of or else he’ll target that person with a one shot jump.
Second Boss: Thormemtum
Key Mechanics
Catapults - During this boss fight there’s 4 catapults, in normal mode all 4 of them will use the same ammunition, in hard mode it’s a bit different.
At 90% the first catapult will start firing, then at every 20% hp increment another one will start firing. (So at 90%, 70%, 50% and lastly at 30%)
At 70% the East Catapult will start firing, this one fires suicide bombing Caimens. When it first hits the ground it will just remain there, when a player gets close it will then start following that person and then explode when it comes close.
- A healer should go get the aggro from these Caimen and pull them away from the DPS and Tank, you can iframe away from the aoe before it explodes.
At 50% the South Catapult will start firing, this one fires poison puddles which slowly grows bigger before exploding inflicting damage, a silence and a slow.
At 30% the West Catapult will start firing bombs that will fire a laser horizontally and vertically at the same time, dealing 70% people’s max hp if you get hit.
Basic attacks
Frontal Smash - Pulls his arm back to slam the tank.
Frontal Slam - Lifts his disc in the air and slams it down on the tank.
Double Frontal Spam - Lifts his arm into the air and thn slams with his disc
Slam and Spin - Slams his fist on the tank and then rotates to slam his disc down
Disc spin - His heart lights up and then he spins his disc around himself dealing damage to the entire party
- Can be blocked
Spin slam behind - He spins and then rotates to slam down someone behind the boss. Usually targets the player furthest away from the boss
- Healer: You can go behind the tank to avoid the boss turning too much.
Special attacks
Frontal slam v2 - The boss’ heart lights up and he’ll then slam the tank, this needs to be iframed.
- Failure to do so will make the tank do his spin attack, almost certainly killing the tank.
If you Iframed:
If you got hit:
Gun Fire front or back - Thormemtum’s rocket in his chest will light up in red and he’ll fire at the tank. If you get hit by this the catapults will start targeting you.
- Can not be iframed, move to the side of the boss.
- If it lights up as red it will fire at the tank, if it stays in this animation for a second it’ll turn and fire behind him.
Disassemble and Spin - A text indication will show up on your screen saying :
- This time you need to get away from the boss because if you get hit the boss will spawn Tornados which will launch you up in the air.
Triple Hit Pull - The boss will slam his hand on the ground three times in quick succession, getting hit by the 3rd attack will pull you to the front of the boss followed by an attack doing 60% HP damage.
- Iframe just before you see the third ground slam.
- Getting hit by this will give you the debuff that make the Catapults target you.
Last Boss: Argog
A lot of the attacks in this boss fight will involve Argog teleporting onto players and doing an AOE attack on them, so it’s very important that players spread out when the boss does these types of attacks.
- This boss fight exists of 2 phases in Normal mode and 3 in Hard mode.
- In Hard Mode the second phase will start at 80% and the third phase at 30%.
- Second and third phase will be called “True Form” in this guide.
Key Mechanics
Argog reveals his true himself - Indicated by a text message saying
- This is a lot like the Stun mechanic mentioned in Special Attack, however here he crouches longer and you can use his fangs as an indication on when to iframe.
- Lancers: A lancer can use his Guardian Barrier to block the aoe, resulting in nobody having to iframe.
Argog is on the hunt - A text message will appear saying
He will then dissappear and teleport to each player individually. Make sure to spread out.
- Iframe when you see smoke appear under your character, this indicates he wil target you for the next attack.
Argog is tracking scent of a
He will then dissappear and teleport to 2 individually doing an AoE attack followed by an attack on the tank Can NOT be blocked. Make sure to spread out.
- If your screen gets a purple edges that means he will target you next, make sure you’re away from people and iframe.
Argog is in a murderous fury - This is the the final phase of the boss, below 30%.
- First he will trigger “Argog is on the Hunt”, found above. Now after every set of basic attacks he can teleport onto any of the DPS or Healer and do an AoE attack dealing 80% HP as damage to anyone hit.
- This attack can be iframed.
- After the teleport attack he’ll target the tank with a Cross Attack.
- This attack can be blocked.
Basic attacks
Left, Right, Cross - He’ll start by hitting with his left hand, followed by his right hand then both hands together in a cross shape.
- In True Form the Cross attack will inflict a debuff.
- Sometimes when he does this attack he will stay crouched together with his arms crossed, this means another attack is coming which Can’t be blocked, iFrame it
Left, Right, Barrage - He’ll start by hitting with his left hand, followed by his right hand… then he’ll pull back his arms and do a barrage of quick attacks
One, Two, Three - His eyes will light up in red followed by three attacks in quick succession.
Right, Left, Spin to Win - He’ll start by attacking with his right hand, then his left arm and then he’ll spin towards the tank.
- In True Form, in Hard Mode: Spin to win will apply a bleed debuff
Special attacks
Stun - The boss will crouch and after uncrouching he’ll stun everyone, this needs to be iframed.
- You iframe just as you see him uncrouch, so pay close attention to his shoulders.
Backtep into Lunge - Cannot block or iframe. Avoid ASAP.
- Argog will backstep or Teleport (if below 80% hp) and charge forward.
Left, Right, Pause… Back Hit, AoE - Cannot block or iframe. Avoid ASAP.
- Argog will start with his left hand, then his right hand Then he will stay in this animation for a second, pausing his movements. He’ll follow up with a back hit followd by an AoE.
- AoE can not be blocked.