Lumikan's Dream (Hard)

Boss: Lumikan

Key Mechanics

Skulls - At 50% and then at 35% the boss will spit out 2 giant red skulls and begin charging up an attack.

  • This mechanic has 80 second cd.
  • You need to have 2 people, preferably the tank and healer , to walk over these skulls to receive a debuff:

If the 2 people with this debuff gather, it will make everyone near them immune to all damage for 4 seconds (buff below)

You need to time this with the boss attack actually going close together.

  • After the boss spits out the 2 orbs she will crouch a bit and begin charging indicated by 2 things
    • The screen will start shaking furiously AND she will gain a blackish red aura around her
    • The moment the screen starts shaking or you see the aura, whichever is easier to tell for you, you need to count 6 seconds.
      • Use the meter combat timer if anythin.g
  • After 6 seconds of charging, gather up and youll survive.

If you go in at 4 or an early 5 seconds, the end of the attack will hit you and instantly wipe you out.

In Hard mode, she will assign 2 random players with a cross-hair debuff the instant the mechanic starts, before she even throws the red skulls.

The 2 people with this debuff are the ONLY ones can collect the giant red skulls to perform the immunity.
Standing on the red skulls as they spawn will nearly kill you, if not outright one shot you, so wait until she throws it and it fully lands THEN run into it.

Bleed Debuff - On Hard mode, this lasts for 30 seconds and ticks for 10% of max hp every 2 seconds ish per stack.

  • Getting 3 stacks will stun you for 5 seconds and more importantly, cause an explosion in a radius around your character, killing anyone near you.

Skeletons - ONLY IN HARD MODE Starts at 90% of HP.

  • These will slowly walk towards the boss and if they touch her, will cast an aoe dealing damage and knocking everyone down and more importantly, buffing the boss with a 25% damage increase for the rest of the fight that stacks.

  • These can be slept and stunned to delay or stop them from moving. They will not ever die or go away unless they cast their aoe from touching the boss which you dont want.

    • This fight becomes almost untankable at 3-4 stacks as she will start hitting through block.
  • The skeletons spawn in the 4 corners of the room at 90% on boss hp. They walk very slowly normally.

    • 3 Minutes after the first 4 skeletons spawn, 3 more will spawn.
      • 3 Minutes more and a third set will spawn.

The boss should be dead either before the 3rd set or shortly after.

Either keep her in the middle until 70% or move her to a corner at the start, up to you.

Cage 70% Cage - ONLY IN HARD MODE - 2 minute 20 second cooldown from start of cast.
At 70% the boss will cast a very crazy particle effect resulting in a cage, there are multiple small steps to this.

  • If you are far away from boss when this is cast, you will instantly die.

When the cage first spawns it will trigger a wave at the wall of the cage expanding outward. This will interact with the skeletons, making them move very fast for 15 seconds before going back to slow walking.

There are 3 steps players need to do while this cage is spawning:

  1. Cage first appears, you need to be inside or very close to the walls to not instantly die.
  2. The boss will drop puddles on every player, drop these just near the wall of the cage.
  3. Being outside the cage at any point was hotfixed to kill you its a simple go in, go out to drop puddles, go back into cage.

After the first cage all the skeletons will be near the boss and its time to move.

You go from one corner to its opposite and repeat each time a cage happens/ the skeletons are very close to boss. Remember cage is every 2:20 after 70%.

Depending how fast you push determines the timing here a little bit but the timing is generally the same. The first cage will happen at around 2:00-2:20, the next one being at 4:20-4:40 ish.

Basic attacks

A majority of the boss special abilites chain from this downward slash, important to remember. All the abilities listed below have a low cooldown of 30-40 seconds.

Upward Stab

Twin Stab

Down Slash

Downslash into Twirl Bloodline - Both the twirl and the bloodline itself deal high damage and you cannot tank both without some healing/shield in between.

Left Right Quick Slash

Special attacks

Downslash into Stab Stun into DFA into Pizzas - A long tank combo.
After the boss uses DFA she will create pizza slices, the first behind her at 5 o clock, and the second at 12 o clock.

  • You can tank 1 pizza slice aoe fine but not 2 in a row.
  • The stun stab is cleanseable.

By pausing and iframing the stab and NOT rushing back in to dps will end the combo without her casting DFA or the pizza slices.

Downslash into IN-OUT-SPIN - The spin at the end is a small range and mostly ignoreable damage.

When enraged this combo will be slightly slower and she will aoe stun at the end. The stun is dodgeable and cleanseable.

  • The big giveaway is the speed difference.

Spear Combo - The boss will combine her twin swords into a spear and perform a series of 6 attacks total. She will cast this 60 seconds into combat and then every 2:30-3:00 minutes after.

  • The boss will spawn a red message and very quickly hit the tank twice:

    Now I'm getting serious.
  • She can change the order of certain attacks but all 6 must happen once.

In this clip she does:

  1. Spear throw on furthest target then back hit (both iframe able)
  2. Tank buster stab into bloodlines. She will stab, instantly spawn line on tank and then half a second later spawn lines everywhere else. Move in right as she stabs.
  3. Pizza slice on aggro target
  4. Pizza slice opposite the first slice
  5. Aoe stun
  6. Spawns yellow arrows on all players, each spawn a bloodline shortly after. The arrows face the same direction as the boss when she cast it.

The variance on this can be:

  • Step 1 and 2 can be in either order
  • AoE stun can be step 4 or 5.

Because the spear combo is so long, ALL of the bosses other abilities will come off cooldown during it. She will use EVERY other ability in a row coming out of a spear combo.


At the end of her combo like normal mode, she will spawn bloodlines but with a little extra this time.

  • After step 6, every player should be hitting her in the back as she will turn around.

She will spawn arrows that result in a cross shaped bloodline on every player:

The tigher everyone stacks, the thinner the bloodline will be.
2 yellow arrows will ALWAYS orient the same direction every single time because the boss will ALWAYS turn her back to you for this part.


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