Forbidden Arena (Hagufna)

Boss: Hagufna

  • His phase triggers were moved to 90%, 80%, 70%.

Key Mechanics

 85% Phase Change

85% Pull in Mechanic - Starting at 85% and then about every minute after, the boss will hold his sword straight up in the air and begin channeling energy into it, either pink or purple energy. After 85% the boss gains a few new combos.

  • This will then pull everyone within 25m right on top of him and then do a mechanic based on which energy color it was.
  • The pull in is not avoidable in any way aside from outranging it.
    • Pay close attention to his sword, around the hilt area to tell which color energy it is.
Pink Energy:

After the pull, he will stab his sword into the ground creating 3 shockwaves. These waves deal massive damage but are survivable with damage reduction/shields.
If by chance you do survive a wave, you will be silenced for 5 seconds and knocked down. Because you are a silenced you cannot retal.
The boss will auto target anyone silenced with an overhand strike, and if by chance you survive that? a leaping strike.

Purple Energy:

After being pulled, the boss will a fast spin that applies a bleed (cleanseable) if hit directly by spin.
The spin will also create a shockwave traveling outwards that stuns anyone hit. This wave is iframeable.

  • Finally the boss will be charging an unsheathe after the quick spin. Its a race to escape it.
    • The general idea is to escape quickly as you get pulled, dodging the stun wave as you go.
      Failure and you get stunned inside the unsheathe, at least it looks cool when you die.

Range check / Rez bait - At any point after 85%, if a player gets a certain distance away from the boss OR if anyone casts a ressurection spell/scroll, the boss will target them.

  • These have their own separate cooldowns and can trigger back to back and often do because of how the mechanic works.
    • The boss will target the person and savage strike to them, often through/behind them and then overhand strike.
 55% Phase Change

The boss will say My patience is wearing thin… refreshing his damage increase buff and unlocking more combos.

30% Final Phase

When reaching 30%, the boss will say Thats Enough! and charge a giant aoe. You can see the edge of it if you are zoomed out far enough.

  • When it is near completion, iframe.
  • The aoe can be survived if you have damage reduction or big shield skills.
    • At the same time, he will trigger a separate set of double red line, independant of the single red line from 90%.
    • The aoe will kill you, the lines shouldnt.

The boss will gain his final form, a new buff called called Mad Power, increasing his damage by 15% and attack speed by 5%
This will also unlock his final combo.

Tank Buster Combo - The boss will charge up in place for a second followed by an extended combo only under 30%.
The boss will do this in order:

  1. Double spin
  2. Overhand strike (will be canceled if red eye flash)
  3. Eviserate
  4. Overhand strike

There will be zero delay between them
If you get hit by the first overhand strike, you will take x3 damage from the eviserate and INSTANTLY die.

  • Luckily this combo is easily avoided as a tank.
  • If you iframe to the side after the double spin, he will be locked on your position and simply miss the entire rest of the combo:

Basic attacks

Double upwards slash into Overhand - The boss will slash twice in an upwards motion followed by an Overhand strike.

  • The Overhand is not blockable but iframeable and must be.
  • Knocks down and applies a debuff stack and a separate debuff : Weakness exposed for 5 seconds.
Getting hit by most of his attacks will apply a 60 second debuff that stacks 4 times.
This debuff does nothing until it reaches 4 stacks.
Once it reaches 4, it will change into a different debuff for 30 seconds that doubles your damage taken from the boss.
Getting hit by most of his attacks will apply a 60 second debuff that stacks 4 times.
This debuff does nothing until it reaches 4 stacks.
If you do not retal immediately or your retaliate is on cd, the boss will trigger a leaping strike on you as an execution, you will not survive.

Upward + Downward slash into Eviserate - Similar to overhand with a slight difference, his second slash will have a downwards angle.

  • All hits are blockable.
  • Eviserate will knockdown and apply weakness exposed as well if hit.

Upward slashes into backstep into random overhand - Exactly the same as the first combo but now the boss will backstep and then randomly target someone for an overhand strike.

  • The jump is particularly annoying because he will iframe all your skills during it.

Red Lines - Also starting at 90% are random red lines.

  • These deal about 100k damage and apply a crippling slow if hit. -60% move speed, -70% attack speed, and -90% healing for 6 seconds.

    These are iframeable but often come at the worst times possible. 1 at a time will happen starting at 90% 2 at a time will happen starting at 30%

    Each has their own cooldown so a total of 3 at once can happen if unlucky.

Heart Thrust combo - The boss will stab the tank with heart thrust, do a turning slash, and then overhand directly behind him. The heart thrust and turn slash are blockable.

  • The killer here is the small turning slash he does, this mostly gets dps hit. This applies a debuff leading to 4 stacks.

Double Spin into Overhand - The boss will whirlwind twice followed by an overhand strike on the tank. The spins are blockable.

  • The spins hit hard and apply debuffs most importantly for dps/healers
    • Standing on the bosses left side as a dps/healer avoids you getting hit by spins most of the time, super helpful.

Special attacks

90% phase change + Shield - At 90% the boss will say

Pathetic asked for it 

And phase change slightly.He will also gain a buff for the rest of the fight that increases his damage by 10% and attack speed by 5%.

Increases boss's Damage by 10% and Attack speed by 5%.

Failing to break this shield will result in him doing an aoe within 25 meters for massive damage.

  • It can be tanked with damage reduction skills or blue shield only.
  • The shield will happen at 90%, 60%, 30% OR every 90 seconds ish if you dont push % fast enough.

When you fail to break the shield, he will gain a stack of Condensed Darkness, increasing his damage by 10% per stack.

This isnt a big deal unless you fail to break the shield 10 times in a row.
If he gets 10 stacks of this buff, he will gain Bloodlust.

This increases his damage by 5x, move speed by 50%, and attack speed by 20%.
This forces you to fully wipe and reset.

Triple Spin into Punishing Blow - A variation on the previous double spin move is this: the boss will instead spin 3 times total and then do a jumping slam attack.

  • All 3 spins are blockable and the jumping attack must be perfect blocked if tank, iframed if dps/healer.
  • There are only 2 situations where the boss will punishing blow and one of them is this, only if he triple spins.

Upward slashes into Overhand into Punishing Blow - A variation on an earlier combo of upwards slashx2 into overhand on tank.

  • This time it will be followed up by a punishing blow.

Double Savage Strike - This attack ruins dps lives.

  • The boss will do a quick turning slash and Savage strike directly away from the main aggro target, turn slash, Savage strike back to the tank, and finally overhand the tank
  • Thats a total of 3 stacks if dps dont move in time from the turnslash and both savage strikes.
    • It will ALWAYS go directly away from the aggro target and always return to that same aggro target.

Spinning stun combo - There are 2 variations to this and its entirely reactionary for the tank.

  • The boss will do a small spin and hold in place for a second.
  • The stun is blockable so thats not the issue.
  1. He will either attempt to stun you followed by an overhand strike.
  2. He will fake you out, not casting the stun and simply overhanding you.

Here is an example of him faking the stun:
