Dark Reach Citadel (Hard)
First Boss: Theropath
Key Mechanics
Pull AoE - The boss will pull everyone towards him and then put an iframeable AoE on everyone, to survive this people need to spread so that the AoE does not overlap.
- They do 50% HP damage in Normal Mode and 75% in Hard Mode.
- If you hit the boss with an AoE in hard mode the gauge will add 30 to it.
Gauge fills - The gauge will appear when the boss reaches 90% HP, with 5 pillars activating across the room, much like in RK9 Extreme Mode.
- This gauge will then slowly charge up to 100 stacks and when it reaches a 100 the pillars will spawn an orb before them.
- Every member of the party needs to collect (touch, don’t need to hit) an orb to survive the incoming room wide people attack.
Normal Mechanic | Hard Mode under 50% HP |
Note: The pillars fire AoEs of electricity when a player is nearby, These AoEs will either stun you, or pushback and put bleed on you.
Make sure to dodge the AoE that will most likely get fired when you go collect the orb.
Hard Mode: If the boss is below 50% then this boss will then target one player with fairly wide laser attack that requires people to gather and split the damage to for tank to survive it. Don’t leave your tank hanging.
Basic attacks
Frontal Attack - Simple 1-hit attack.
Jump - Simple 1-hit secondary aggro attack.
- Blockable, iframable
Double slap into double smash - 4 blockable attacks in a row.
- Hard mode: When enraged uses a wide unblockable stun aoe.
- If anyone gets stunned he throws swipe at them.
Backwave - Boss turns and hits behind him, this knocks back.
Backwave into Front - Boss turns and hits behind him then stands still for a moment to hit an iframable attack in front.
Special attacks
Double slap into smash - Boss hits twice and then throw an iframable attack.
Backroll into laser - Boss jumps back and then fires a laser on secondary aggro.
Trislap - Eyes light up red followed by 3 blockable attacks, getting hit will stun.
Spam into lasers - The boss will smash the ground a couple of times, each doing some small AoEs.
- Followed by large aoes coming from the edges off the room and then the boss fires an iframable laser offtarget.
- Whole attack is unblockable.
Second Boss: Apetus
Pokemon in TERA, this boss can change itself to either Grass, Fire, or Water he will do so by walking towards the corresponding books.
If you have super effective, you will tiny bit do more damage to boss.
To gain the opposing buff you just have to gather around the book and then someone has to hit it to give everyone in the area the buff.
Not having this boss will make it hard to survive during the specific elemental mechanics.
Key Mechanics
No Type - The boss targets a player and fires a laser that needs to be dodged.
- (read: not iframed but avoided – use movement skills).
- Pulls in the target if hit and then puts a small unavoidable AoE under them which removes elemental buff from everyone hit.
- Try to refresh it as soon as possible to avoid bleeding.
Grass Type - This is the mechanic the boss does shortly after grabbing the Grass Element, a big uniframeable AoE that reaches upto 25 meters away from the boss.
- Just get away from him and heal up in preparation for following roomwide AoE
Fire Type - This is the mechanic the boss does shortly after grabbing the Fire Element, a series of roomwide AoEs that need to be healed through.
- Just gather with your healer and let them heal you.
Water Type - This is the mechanic the boss does shortly after grabbing the Water Element, 2 iframable AoEs on players that knock up when hit followed by a roomwide AoE that can’t be avoided.
- Gather with your healer and let them heal you.
Basic attacks
Double Swipe - A simple 2-hit attack
Swipe, Left Foot, AoE - 3 hit combo, all blockable, attacks also back.
Swipe, Right Foot, AoE - 2 Hits followed by an iframable aoe on tank.
- Unblockable
Special attacks
Swipe, Left Foot, Back hit - 2 Hits followed by a back hit.
- Back hit is uniframeable, get out of it. Pushes if hit.
Swipe, Right Foot, Back hit - 2 Hits followed by a back hit.
- Back hit is uniframeable, get out of it. Pushes if hit.
Jump - Unblockable attack. Stun.
- If anyone gets stunned boss targets them with rolling attack – cleansing can interrupt this.
Fly, you fools! - Secondary Whip attack, knocks up anyone who gets hit.
Force Push - Push back attack in front followed by push back attack behind the boss.
- Watch out for this as it’s fairly fast attack.
After beating this boss you might have tiny trouble finding next one. Look at your map and find wall with room attached, and then take this book out of it.
Last Boss: Harnovog
Key Mechanics
Demon Mechanic - He will say a message:
One person needs to get hit by this AoE attack, they will turn into a demon and gain more attack damage but have reduced defenses.
- Dying while in Demon Form will do a mapwide AoE and damage every party member.
Then the Demon Player will get targeted by lasers which must be iframed, lasers hitting you means you die and explode.
Tremble Before Me! - A text message will indicate that this mechanic is coming.
First he will do an AoE Stun followed by a large AoE that gives the boss stacks depending on how long people stand in it.
This will stack up very fast and has 3 levels of power: (Too little, Weak and Strong).
- Too little - he gets stunned
- Weak - it does some damage that can’t be avoided
- Strong - he will most likely wipe the party (you can ress quickly without boss resetting)
Basic attacks
Frontal Attack / Left - Simple 1-hit attack
Frontal Attack / Right - Simple 1-hit attack
Double Downwards - Simple 2-hit attack
Double Upwards - Simple 2-hit attack
Right Into Swipe - 1-hit attack followed by a swipe unblockable towards the front.
Double Upwards Into Back-Swipe - 2-hit attack followed by a swipe towards the back.
Special attacks
Double Into Stun - Simple 2-hit attack followed by a stun. Stun attack is uniframeable
- Move to side to dodge.
Half AoE Left - Boss turns around and slams down his scythe, pulling it 180 degrees around him.
- Move to the proper side or iframe.
Half AoE Right - Boss turns around and slams down his scythe, pulling it 180 degrees around him.
- Move to the proper side or iframe.
Spikes - The boss will put tentacles into ground nearby him, then target whole party with summon spikes below them that knock people up.
Secondary Target Pull - The boss will target a secondary aggro with his 2 scythes and either pull them in or pause and do a wide AoE that needs to be iframed by everyone.
Pull | Pause into wide AoE |
Combo into Secondary Target Pull - The boss will use a 4 hit combo.
- Last hit hits both front and back – unblockable and then will use one of secondary target attack listed above.
Ressbait - The boss will target people using ressurection skills with this skill.
- Unblockable.
Jump into AoE - The boss will slam down his scythes and then jump in the air, needs to be iframed.
- The AoE will be either in front or back, depending on if boss is enraged.
Non enraged | Enraged |
S Swipes - The boss sets down his scythes and looks to left or right. Then he makes 2 swipes depending on where he looked.
- Can not be iframed, move away from the scythes.
- Causes severe bleed.
Left | Right |