Akalath Quarantine
First Boss: Akalath Travan
Key Mechanics
Color Mechanic - This mechanic is the same as in Ruinous Manor (Hard), oneshotting you if you fail or your debuff times out.
Mechanic starts when the boss says :
Bear my curse!
And draws his swords away from his body.
Whenever he uses this mechanic, it will create a pulse of energy debuff on the players. Changing or giving them a new color if they have none.
- Pay attention to your debuff!
You will die after getting 2 stacks of the same color or the duration expires.
There are only two variations of this attack. Same as in Ruinous Manor (Hard).
- If the color thats being gathered near boss is blue -> Blue will be IN, Red OUT
- If the color thats being gathered near boss is red -> Red will be IN, Blue OUT
You can watch boss’s feet for the color, or swords that he draws out. Both become colored by the color that will appear inside.
- Always remember to take the opposite of the color that you have.
- HEALERS Keep everyone healed up. When you are hit by new color, it will still hit you for significant amount of HP.
Begone - The boss will say :
And puts his hands together gathering energy.
- Attack range of this mechanic is 20meters around the boss.
- Keep your distance from Travan to avoid it.
- Impossible to block, impossible to iframe.
- You can skip running away from this mechanic will lancers protection skills or healers kaia skills.
Basic attacks
Left,Right,Slice - Basic slices, all blockable.
Right,Left,Left,Slam - Basic slices, all blockable.
Turn into scratch - Boss gives a member in party secondary aggro, scratching in their direction after turning towards them.
- Cannot be iframed.
- Bleeding can be cleansed
Breathe - Boss gives a member in party secondary aggro, breathing on them.
Jump - Boss jumps towards a target with secondary aggro.
- Stuns. Stun can be cleansed.
- Can be iframed.
- Boss can also follow up with a breath attack right after slamming himself to the ground.
Special attacks
Right,Left,Right turn scratch - Boss will slash on the tank and then slowly turn to right, then he will immidiately slice on the ground.
- Cannot be iframed.
- Bleeding can be cleansed
Under 50% he will follow up with a second scratch on the left side.
Right,Left,Left turn scratch - Boss will slash on the tank and then slowly turn to left, then he will immidiately slice on the ground.
- Cannot be iframed.
- Bleeding can be cleansed
Under 50% he will follow up with a second scratch on the right side.
Right,Right,Back turn,Sword slam into Rear - This attack is very dangerous if you are damaging the boss from the side. The rear hit will most likely oneshot you if you are low on HP.
- Make sure to iframe the rear hit. Sword hit on the back is easily avoidable.
- Dps who are attacking from behind and are very close to the boss will not take any damage.
- If the aggro changes to be behind boss, the boss will do only rear attack behind him before turning.
Right,Right,Back turn,Sword into Slam - Same attack as above, the only difference is that the rear attack will not happen and instead the boss will slam his swords into the ground after he turns back.
- Down slam with swords is not blockable and must be iframed
- Stuns when hit. Stun is cleansable.
4 Scratches - Boss gives out secondary aggro 4 times in a row to random players.
- Each time the boss will proceed to swipe in the direction of secondary aggro.
- Best is to not move so much, so the boss doesnt turn to all sides and swipe everywhere.
- Cannot be iframed.
- Bleeding can be cleansed
Circle AOE into Spin - Most likely the deadliest attack apart for the color mechanic.
- The boss will create and aoe on the ground under every member of the party.
- When the AoEs stay on the ground, iframe.
- If you fail to iframe, you will be stunned. Stun is cleansable
- Right after the AoEs hit, boss will spin. Killing everyone in his near proximity if they are stunned.
- Spin is unlockable (blue shield can be used), can be iframed.
Sometimes the boss can also only spin without doing AoE bombs.
- You can see the spin coming as he puts his hands on the ground and “stretches” his hands out before spinning.
Second Boss: Akalath Kashir
Key Mechanics
Bleed debuff (red) - Several of Kashir attacks apply a bleed debuff if you get hit.
- Can be cleansed.
Bleed debuff (purple) - You will periodically get this bleed debuff.
- Can be cleansed.
Permanent bleed debuff - Once you let the previous debuff stack to 5 times it will turn into a permanent one.
Phantom Kashir - A message will appear :
Akalath Kashir aims for your back.
And Kashir will roar.
Thats your cue to spread. You dont want to snipe a member in your party.
- A vortex appears under a player before Kashir attacks.
- Bleeding when attacked, impossible to cleanse, impossible to block, can be iframed.
Basic attacks
Left Scratch - Basic attack
- Can be blocked
Double Scratch - Basic attack
- Can be blocked
Left,Right,Hug - Basic attack
- Can be blocked
Right,Double Scratch - Basic attack
- Can be blocked
Fury swipes into spin - Basic attack
Special attacks
Left,Right,Hug into Scratch - Advanced attack
- Bleeding when hit by scratch, cannot be cleansed, cannot be blocked, can be evaded.
Right,Left,Spin - Advanced attack
- Bleeding when hit by spin, cannot be cleansed, can be blocked.
Turn into 3 Swipes - Kashir turns towards the dps in the back and slashes 3 times, then turns back towards the tank.
- Can be iframed.
Front Wave - Kashir charges his claws and slams the ground in front of him. Creating a seismic wave.
- Cannot be blocked.
- Cannot be iframed. Move out of it.
Roar - Boss will put his claws together, blocking his face and prepares to roar.
- Can be iframed.
- Cannot be blocked.
- Iframing it might be a little tricky.
- If you fail to iframe, you will be stunned. Stun is cleansable.
- If you remain stunned, the boss will do a wave attack towards you.
Back roll into stab - Boss jumps back, avoiding all damage and dashes front towards the tank.
- Bleeding when hit cannot be cleansed, cannot be blocked, cannot be iframed.
- Move out.
Back roll into wave - Boss jumps back, avoiding all damage. Instead of a dash he will summon 3 clones which will spawn a wave towards each other.
Stomp, Scratch - Kashir quickly stomps to the target and scratches.
- There is a high chance of being down when hit with the left foot.
- Bleeding when hit by scratch, cannot be cleansed, cannot be blocked, can be iframed.
When attacking a random player, Kashir can cast same attack once more.
Ressbait - Basic mechanic when ressbaiting. Kashir will target you with a teleport into a quick scratch.
- He will teleport back to the aggro and scratch on tank as well.
- Bleeding when hit by scratch, cannot be cleansed, cannot be blocked, can be iframed.
Jump - Kashir charges up, jumping in the air.
- As he lands, he will deal big damage players in close and far-field area.
- Either move out 20meters and after inner-zone hits, move inside to avoid the outer-zone hit.
- Lancer can use their protection skills. Healer should kaia
- Impossible to block. Impossible to iframe.
- You can lower the damage you take if you use a skill that can absorb damage.