Lilith's Keep (Hard)

First Boss: Pyrepelt

Key Mechanics

Leap - Shortly after you see this message:

“How annoying… I will kill you all!!”

Pyrepelt will leap into the air. Upon impact, the entire area except for a narrow strip will be covered in a raging fire.

Fire Curtain - Message appears at certain intervals once Pyrepelt has lost sufficient health, and is followed by a series of multiple attacks:

“The flame will swallow you whole!!!”

Firstly, the boss heads to the edge of the area and runs a complete lap, spreading his ‘fire curtain’ as a message explains.

  • Shortly after this, a series of flaming spirits will appear which must be killed as quickly as possible, otherwise they will become more powerful, as another message informs you.

Given that Pyrepelt is somewhat preoccupied with spreading his curtain of flames, your group is free to concentrate on the spirits. If you don’t manage to kill them all before Pyrepelt completes his lap, the following will happen:

  • The spirits will become more powerful and more difficult to defeat.
    • The arena will be encircled by the ring of fire, greatly reducing the amount of space to move about in.
    • If you step into the burning zone, you’ll receive the debuff Burning Wounds.
  • This cannot be cleansed, lasts for 10 seconds, and stacks if you stay within the burning zone.
    • Each stack reduces your movement speed by 10% and reducing 5% HP every 2 seconds.

  • Failing in the first phase will only marginally reduce the size of the area, but you can’t afford to fail a second time, or the fight will become hotter than you can stand!

Special attacks

The flame will turn you into ash!! - When this message appears, Pyrepelt will make for one of the players, summoning a circle under their feet which will remain in the arena for some time.

  • If a player enters this area, a bomb will appear above their heads.
  • The Burning Flamedebuff which results must be removed within a few seconds, otherwise the bomb will explode and deal major damage to the affected player, as well as anyone else within range.

Second Boss: Arachandlebra

Arachandelbra is best tanked from room borders, circle around it in concentric circles, towards center, as the floor is more and more covered by spiderwebs

Key Mechanics

Wax Counter - Mechanic starts when this message appears:

“Now you’re trapped!”

Right after that, when meter hits 99/100 - Get away from the boss, as he will release a huge wax AoE to lock you in place when the meter hits 100/100.

  • Healer should be ready to cleanse people still inside the AoE so they can iframe.
    • Dps and Tank should try to be close to each other so that heal can cleanse everyone.

Basic attacks

Following circle - One player is targetted by a circle. Evade fast, or iframe when then moving circle inside the static AoE circle reached the borders of the static circle.

Circle stays on the ground for a while so its recommended to place these away from the boss without spreading them too much

Front poison - The poisonous gas cannot be blocked! Make sure to iframe when boss tilts back as if hes inhaling.

Roll - Basic roll attack of spider BAM

Jump - Basic attack of spider BAM

Front multi hit - Basic attack of spider BAM

Her basic attacks deal the following debuffs:

  • Hot Wax Drippings
    Hot wax drippings stick to your body, reducing 2.6% of max HP every 3 seconds.
  • Bleeding
    Bleeding reduces your movement speed by 50% and reduces 6% of max HP every 2 seconds.

Special attacks

Dance - Boss will hit a big donut shaped AoE around it, then jump and hit the circle inside the donut.

  • Close range DPS should get safe inside circle then outside or iframe. Long range just get away from whole donut.

Last Boss: Lilith

Make sure to lower your sound settings if you play without headphones.

Key Mechanics

Annihilate - You remember Fulminar, Bathysmal Rise last boss? this is his legacy, but easier. In normal mode, you will not die from not achieving reaching Lilith close range. She will do a dance pattern followed with pizza slices AoE style.

Purple balls - With message:

“How about something big and beautiful…”
Lilith casts a huge attack! Retreat to safety zone!

Get away from Lilith as fast as possible to be able to secure your way out of the balls’s way.

  • When the balls arrive at the edge of the room, the will be circle AoE in the room, one in center, rest around the ball’s paths.
    • It does not deal a lot of damage but can kill you if you were already low life from balls.
    • HM: DOES deal a lot of damage so be sure to iframe or be far enough to evade

Magic Wave into Shield - With message:

“Lilith acts suspiciously”
Lilith casts a huge attack! Retreat to safety zone!

  • Lilith runs towards canter they there is the previously quoted warning. A purple wave starts from the borders of the room: iframe (when around 1/3 of the way to boss is reached by the wave: still needs to go 2/3) then break the shield.
  • The players who did not evade are stunned and thus cannot help to break the shield…

The player farthest to boss will get chained, then dragged to boss.

  1. You can: choose who will we locked (thus cannot attack). Heal can pull out a player. Mystic can evade that with corruption ring.
  2. HM: you will have to break the shield around Lilith while fighting on a tick-damage AOE.
  • A ranged dps and highly mobile ones (ninja/slayer) will do they job surely. If you dont have such dpses, healer MUST evade the attack to be able to heal the team through the attack.

Special attacks

Front charge - She will do a front yellow-charging line. Iframable, (blockable?). Generally hits hard and targets the furthest person.

  • Make sure to avoid

Fly up slam - Lilith flies up in the air and slams the ground with her scythe

Pushback - When this message appears:

“You will be at ease soon…”

An area of purple energy appears around Lilith. A short time after that, Lilith pushes all players back, dealing damage and slowing them.

  • This is immediately followed by a large-scale attack. The only place you can find protection from this is in a small ring directly around the boss, but reaching the ring in time will be more difficult than it sounds, as your movement speed has been reduced by 50%.

Now… it’s time to fall asleep… - While everyone tries to rescue themselves and reach the safety of the ring, your healers will have an extra task to perform.

  • At the same time as the area attacks appear, you’ll receive the debuff Hypnosis Preparation, which must be cleansed as quickly as possible.
  • If you fail to do this, after a few seconds a small sphere of glimmering white light will appear around Lilith together with the message
“Now… it’s time to fall asleep…

The room will fill with Oneiric Mote which puts you into a deep sleep for 15 seconds, during which time you can neither move nor use any skills.

Hey! Where do you think you’re going? - This attack starts with a small, purple field around Lilith. She hammers her scythe into the ground and summons multiple areas of dark energy which flare up and deal damage!

  • If you’re hit by one or more of these fields, you’ll receive the debuff Weakening Will:

    • Weakening Will
      Your tolerance against Lilith’s Delusion gradually weakens.
    • Delusion
      Arises when you receive 5 stacks of Weakening Will.
      You are enticed by Lilith’s charm. You cannot do anything.
    • Corruption Ring
      You are enticed by Lilith’s charm. You cannot do anything.

When you reach 5 stacks of the weakening debuff… she kills you.

The combat area will narrow - With message:


“The combat area will narrow”
Fight in the safety zone.

  • The center of the room is also a no-fighting area in HARD mode during wave.
